Minister of Education of Turkmenistan held meeting with Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Ashgabat and Director of the Qatari Diplomatic Institute

On 10 December 2024, at the Headquarters of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, Mr. Jumamyrat Gurbangeldiyev, Minister of the Education of Turkmenistan held meeting with His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Al-Horr, Director of the Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and His Excellency Mr. Hamad bin Rashid AL-ATHBA, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Ashgabat.    

During the meeting, issues of bilateral cooperation in the field of education between the two friendly countries and ways of developing were discussed.  



Türkmenistanyň Bilim ministri Katar döwletiniň Diplomatik institutynyň rektory bilen duşuşdy

2024-nji ýylyň 10-njy dekabrynda Türkmenistanyň Bilim ministrliginiň binasynda, Türkmenistanyň Bilim ministri jenap Jumamyrat Gurbangeldiýew Kataryň Daşary işler ministrliginiň Diplomatiýa institutynyň rektory jenap Ilçi doktor Abdul Aziz bin Mohammed Al-Horr hem-de Katar Döwletiniň Türkmenistandaky Ilçisi jenap Hamad bin Raşid AL-AZBA bilen duşuşdy. Duşuşygyň dowamynda iki dostlukly ýurduň arasyndaky gatnaşyklar we olary bilim ulgamynda ösdürmegiň ýollary ara alnyp maslahatlaşyldy.