The Embassy of the State of Qatar achieved third place in football in the Turkmen Diplomatic Day Championship



The Embassy of the State of Qatar in Turkmenistan participated in the tournament organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, on the occasion of the Day of the diplomatic workers of Turkmenistan in the Olympic City. The Embassy achieved third place in the football championship. Mr. Vepa Hajiyev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan honored the winners of the tournament.  


Katar döwletiniň Türkmenistandaky ilçihanasy, Türkmenistanyň Daşary işler ministrligi tarapyndan, Türkmenistanyň  Diplomatik gullugynyň işgärleri güni mynasybetli, Olimpiýa şäherçesinde geçirilen sport çärelerine gatnaşdy we sportuň futbol boýunça ýaryşynda 3-nji orny eýeledi. Ýaryşda ýeňiji bolanlara sylaglary, Türkmenistanyň Daşary işler ministriniň orunbasary jenap Wepa Hajyýew gowşurdy.